This oceanfront property in East Fort Lauderdale is bound by the Atlantic Ocean to the east and Mayan Lake to the west. The lakeside residents can enjoy a newly constructed sea wall and native vegetated buffers with access to the lake for water sports and sunset views. Florida native canopy trees such as gumbo limbos, live oaks and wild tamarinds will be installed as large mature trees for immediate shade, scale and visual buffer effect. Understory planting (jamaican capers – crabwood – cinnamon bark – wild coffee) recreated a natural hammock setting, supporting wildlife and adding privacy for residents at the ground level. A small grass path weaves throughout the new planting providing stable pedestrian access along the lakefront. The new native planting palette attracts various bird species and butterflies for residents to enjoy during all seasons. Florida friendly palms (sabal palm, paurotis palm, Florida thatch palm) are planted in clusters and adjacent to rock outcrop seating areas along the new sea wall. Mangrove mitigation along the banks of the brackish lake help to stabilize erosion, soften the water’s edge, and reestablish the natural ecosystem.