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Join Cadence May 18th, 2019 as we present at the 2019 Florida Native Plant Society’s (FNPS) 39th Annual Conference. This year’s conference, Transitions, will be held at the Plantation on Crystal River.

Presentation by
Rebecca Bradley, PLA, ASLA and Stephanie Dunn

Landscape architects vow to create places that serve the higher purpose of social and ecological justice for all people and species. During this course, meet a Florida-based landscape architecture firm committed to the practice of native plants in design and the opportunities and constraints that arise. The presentation will be an introduction to the art and science of landscape architecture, and how advocacy around topics of bio-diversity conservation, responsible land development and climate change educates elected officials, key stakeholders, and the community. This communicates the benefits and shows the added value, for making the case to preserve and reclaim Florida’s biodiversity with the ever-growing built environment.