What are you doing for Neighbor Day?

The progressive online news magazine GOOD has declared April 27th Neighbor Day. Sounds good to us! We have folks ask us all the time why we do events like Revel on the BlockPARKing Day FTL and Play Your CIty FTL. Plain and simple – we want to be good neighbors. We want to show people that when places are designed and thought is put into how visitors experience a space, meaningful connections are made.

Shauna Niequist recently explained the false perceptions that factor into social media platforms. The importance of face to face interaction gets lost in our world of instagraming, tweeting, posting and tagging. Use social media as a tool to connect, but then push past that virtual barrier to cultivate connections – that’s how things get done. As designers, ideas are great but the power is in the execution.

Join us on Neighbor Day in FATVillage or come see us every last Saturday of the month at our Cadence Pop-Up gallery. We’ll share our work, provide refreshments and show you how you can get involved in our community. We’re happy to be your neighbor.